Saturday, April 19, 2008

Frustrating Dr.'s and Good Dr.'s

So Benjamin has been sick again. On Wednesday Joe took him into a walk-in clinic where the Dr. told him that he just had a bad cold. Well that night around 11 pm his temp. jumped to 104 F so I insisted that we take him to Emergency. Once we finally saw a Dr. he really didn't like how he was breathing, which was really hard so he had a chest x-ray taken. The contraption they put babies in for the x-ray reminds me a lot like torture. The x-ray came back and he had pneumonia. I am really quite shocked that the first Dr. didn't order an x-ray after seeing his breathing which was really very similar to how he was breathing when the 2nd Dr. saw him. I actually think that he probably had pneumonia the first time (about 2-3 weeks ago) he was sick and didn't really get over it and got sick again which just brought it back. The first time he was sick we went to the same walk-in clinic and the Dr. said once again just a bad cold. We took him to a different Dr. and he said he had inflamed tonsils and gave him antibiotics which probably help clear up the what I suspect now to be pneumonia (he was breathing very similar both times he was sick but the second time was way worse). I really have a lot of respect for ER Dr.'s now because they were willing to order more tests to actually figure out what is wrong and not just assume he had a bad cold. Benjamin is feeling a lot better now. He is taking like 3 naps a day for about 2 hours compared to when he isn't sick which is usually one sometimes two a day for about a total of two to three hours of sleep. Well gotta go. Kara

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

And now I am sick

So Joe and I have just spent days and nights worrying and caring for Ben and now I am sick. At least I can function still Ben is just begining to play and drink again. I hope my illness doesn't turn into whatever Ben has because I think he is still worse off than I am. By the way Ben turns one on Friday. YEAH we actually made it through a whole year without completely going crazy (I think).