Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Plotting Birds

We park our car underneath a tree and we have always had bird poop on our car since moving here. One time (literally we have cleaned our car out once since moving here) we were cleaning out our car and a bird pooped on Joe. I had warned them that the birds were up there just waiting to poop on one of us since it had tried to get me when I had started to clean the car.

Today as I went out to the car I heard the birds chirping away and one threw a long stick down onto the ground it was at lest 2 feet long. I knew that they were up to something but still had to get everything into the car so we could go to mom and tots. Well before I knew it one of the birds flew above me and pooped....... Any guesses to where the poop landed?........ No guesses well it landed on my head. I am pretty sure the bird did it on purpose. Those magpies and pretty smart you know. Actually I have heard they are one of the smartest birds so I wouldn't put it past them to plot a head bird pooping plan.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I keep hearing about how school is starting and I keep thinking okay Joe goes back to school in Sep...... wait he is done (he does plan to get a CPA of CGA in a few years) we can do stuff during the school year and not worry about missed classes, papers, exams, and studying. I realize this will only last until Benjamin is in school but the freedom at least in thought (not money) is awesome.
This summer I have been trying to get the most out of it by being a tourist here. We have gone to the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame, to a Lilly festival, to the beach, a church pancake breakfast, other church activites, to a few of the MANY parks here in Red Deer, and the list goes on. Mom calls just to see what I did on the weekend. Red Deer has a lot of parks. I will say that the weather here this summer is WEIRD!!!!!!!! We have had hail just about every week this summer if not more than once a week. Somedays it is so cold I have to warm up the house by baking and other days so warm that the house doesn't cool down. We have had some humid days to ughh humidity.

Has anyone seen Handy Manny? If not it is about a man who is Spanish and is able to fix anything. He also has talking tools. Now his hammers name is pat and when he gets confused he says "I'm a hammer". Today I said to Benjamin are you a hammer and he said "No! I Benjamin" Finally he knows his name. I swear if anyone asked what his name was he would just look at that person as if they were an alien.

Kaleb started crawling last week and loves cords and the door. I swear if I don't know where he is gone is by the sliding glass door. I think he is trying to escape and I really don't blame him. Since becoming mobile(ish) Benjamin thinks he can sit, stand, jump over him and so on. Realy I think he is trying to get away from Ben.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sleep talking

The last week or so Joe has said a few hilarious things in his sleep. The first one was "I have bats in my ears. Get them out." All the while he was thrashing about. When asked what is wrong he just repeated the above and finally calmed down. The second one "Get the bees out of here. There are bees in the room get them out." He was much more calmer with this one.

Now the funny thing is last night while getting Kaleb up Benjamin who I think was asleep asked me if I have a hat on my head. I told him no but he didn't respond back which makes me think he was asleep. I also caught him in sleeping funny before I went to bed last night. Benjamin was laying on his stomach width wise on the bed with his head slightly covered by his pillow and stuffed animal and his legs hanging off the bed. Silly boy.